Course curriculum

    1. About this course

    2. Before we begin...

    3. Downloading the Spreadsheets and Getting them Running

    4. Exercise 1 - Download and PLAY!

    5. Resources: Slides, Spreadsheets, Worksheets

    1. Forecasting a Single Feature (or backlog) Introduction

    2. Exercise 2 - Basic Forecasting of a Single Backlog

    3. Forecasting Multiple Features Introduction

    4. How to use Team Throughput or Velocity Data

    5. How to Manage the Splitting of Work

    6. How to Manage Risks (things that "might" go wrong)

    7. How to Handle System Changes in Delivery Pace (e.g. vacations, adding people, pandemics, etc)

    1. What is Monte Carlo Forecasting and Why Do I Care?

    2. How Much Historical Data Do I Need?

    3. Spreadsheet Settings and Options

    1. Quiz on the key points

    2. You are a member of OUR "Data and Forecasting" Community Space

    3. Still got questions? What's next...

    4. How did we do?

About this course

  • $75.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content


5 star rating

Well paced!

Matthew Croker

Troy presents the spreadsheet as a practical, useful tool for what would otherwise be wizardry when running project / team forecasts.

Troy presents the spreadsheet as a practical, useful tool for what would otherwise be wizardry when running project / team forecasts.

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Improve delivery predictability, starting today

Learn how to Forecasting quickly and easily with these simple Agile Monte Carlo spreadsheets